RFS® ONE CALL Turns Skeptics to Believers, Carving out Solutions for Facility Managers’ Growing Needs

“To be honest, I was skeptical about pricing at first. I wasn’t sold on the idea that One Call was going to be cost effective for me. But after I got that first bill after my One Call plumbing repair, and saw the price with my own eyes, I was converted,” said one RFS® client, a Facility Manager (FM) with Darden Restaurants. “I’m never calling a plumber directly again. This is the most convenient, efficient service I’ve seen in a while. RFS® nailed it.”

Our company knew we needed to shift gears towards the beginning of the summer. Planned Facilities projects were frozen due to pandemic shut-downs and budget cuts. Our RFS® team leaders jumped into action, developing RFS® One Call, a new service offering dedicated to small repairs in Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC, Glass, Doors, Handyman Services, and other trade-specific categories. “We narrowed down our clients’ (FM’s) most immediate needs to price and speed, and we knew we could effectively meet these needs without sacrificing quality,” said RFS® Director of Client Experience, Joe Bell. We spent a few weeks building out a proprietary database of trade-specific contractors in their seven most requested categories: Plumbing, Electrical, Doors, HVAC / Mechanical, Glass, Handyman Services, and Roof Repairs. We vetted these trade partners, noting areas of reach and capabilities, and collected samples of previous work and necessary insurance documents, then filed them away in our new database for rapid, efficient access.

First, we beta-tested One Call with a few clients peppered throughout the country. We wanted to see if it worked, where it worked, and we needed to collect their feedback so we could tweak the process to wherever they noticed potential gaps. “The response was more than we could have hoped for initially,” said RFS® President, Hal Bolter. “We knew we had something really helpful here and once we were up and running successfully with our test-group, we wanted the remainder of the country’s FM’s to be able to use this as well.” We officially launched One Call to the public in September, and now FM’s all over the country and across several different industries (Restaurant, Retail, Grocery, Commercial, etc.) are submitting their One Call requests to us every single day. “Nothing makes me more excited than getting a 911 call from one of my FM’s on a Saturday night and knowing that I have the solution they need, and that all will be well,” said RFS® Client Experience Manager, Chelsea Bolter. “We are getting to say, ‘Yes’, now where we couldn’t before and that makes our clients tremendously relieved. They trust us and they know we’re going to take care of them and eliminate the element of sticker shock or surprise.”

“It [One Call] is especially helpful when you’re managing 100+ facilities throughout multiple states – I don’t always have readily available trades in areas outside of where I live and with One Call, I can just call Joe or Chelsea directly and they get me exactly what I need at a price I can always justify to my boss,” said another RFS® client, an FM with Inspire Brands. “I get a Project Completion Update once the repair is completed, with photos, and all necessary info, sent directly to my email, and I know all is well and RFS® has taken care of it.” RFS® continues to innovate and lead the industry in service, quality, and now price. RFS® One Call is up and running nationwide, ready to meet your rapid repair needs, so please contact your designated Client Experience Manager (CEM) today to learn more about One Call, and gather more specific pricing information. If you do not have an RFS® CEM, please email info@rfsrenovates.com or call (844) 737-7366 to be connected right away!

RFS® is 'ROLLING' out a new offering for their Clients...RFS® ROLLOUTS

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